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2 EPS officers, including 'top cop' in 2019, charged with assault

Const. Jed Winter, named Kiwanis Top Cop 2019, has been charged with assault after an arrest in October 2019. (EPS) Const. Jed Winter, named Kiwanis Top Cop 2019, has been charged with assault after an arrest in October 2019. (EPS)

Two Edmonton Police Service officers have been charged with assault after an arrest in 2019.

Five-year member Const. Jed Winter and four-year member Const. Jocelyn Wynnyk each face one count of assault in connection to an arrest on Oct. 2, 2019, in the area of 102 Street and 104 Avenue.

EPS received a complaint about the arrest on Oct. 22, 2020, and launched an investigation that day, police said on Friday.

This past Wednesday, prosecutors recommended charges against both Edmonton police officers.

EPS did not give any details about the arrest.

The assault allegations against Winter and Wynnyk have not been tested in court.

Both officers currently work in "non-public facing positions," EPS said.

Const. Winter, formerly a professional wrestler, was named Kiwanis Top Cop in 2019. Top Stories

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