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Alberta reports 1,246 new COVID-19 cases, 18 deaths as hospitalizations hit record high


Alberta reported 1,246 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday as the fourth wave continues to pressure the province’s health care system with a record high number of hospitalizations.

There are now 1,100 patients in hospital, the highest count of the pandemic. Included in that number are 263 patients in intensive care units, the second highest number to date.

With 197 surge beds in place, 86 per cent of Alberta’s 370 ICU beds are in use.

“The strain being placed on our health-care system remains very serious. Our hospitals are under critical pressure and we’re doing all we can to increase capacity, particularly in intensive care,” Premier Jason Kenney told reporters on Tuesday.

Alberta reported 18 more COVID-19 deaths on Tuesday, which increased the province’s death toll to 2,663.

About three in four people who have died of COVID-19 in the last 120 days were not fully vaccinated, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw said.

“Almost four out of five of all those in hospital for COVID-19 and 91 per cent of those ICU in the last 120 days were also not fully vaccinated,” Hinshaw added. 

“These numbers speak for themselves: Vaccines are critically important.”

Of eligible Albertans, 83.2 per cent have one vaccine dose and 74 per cent have two doses.

The premier announced Alberta is working on a new advertisement campaign to educate unvaccinated Albertans with facts to “debunk common myths.”

“The bottom line is this: We are still in the middle of a crisis. The fourth wave has challenged us more than any wave before.”