The future of a popular west-end landmark is in question after the strip mall it's located has been sold. The new owner of the strip mall is Rexall Pharmacies, and tenants have been told they need to move out for renovations.
Teddy Luu owns Pa Peterson's, a popular fixture in the west-end serving up ice-cream for half a century.
"I hope we can stay and continue to serve the kids," said Luu.
Luu says no one will tell him how long he has to move out of the area for or whether he'll be allowed back.
"We've been asking, can we come back? ‘They said they don't know'"," he said.
The ice cream shop is frequented by students from nearby Jasper Place High School, St. Francis Xavier, as well as other members of the community.
Taking places like this away kind of removes the character from the city," said Devin Stelmacker, who graduated from Jasper Place High School.
The owner of Rexall, Daryl Katz, also went attended Jasper Place High School.
"It's just funny that he went to Jasper Place and now he's going own Pa Peterson's," said Stelmacker.
A group from Rexall was on site Wednesday and told CTV News no decisions on future tenants have been made yet.
Some say they hope Katz will be the one making the decisions.
"I'd love to see him step in and do something about it for sure," said Jeremy Bibaud, who also attended Jasper Place.
With files from Bill Fortier