Edmonton police are working to find the rightful owners of a number of pieces of stolen jewelry, found as part of a drug investigation earlier this year.

Police said hundreds of pieces of jewelry and valuable coins were found and seized during a March 26 drug investigation at a licensed establishment, located near 95 Avenue and 87 Street.

“We seized hundreds of pieces of jewelry during our investigation, and we would like to reunite them with their rightful owners,” EPS Cst. Ahmad Ghulom Sakhi said in a press release. “There are also pieces that might have important sentimental value to an individual or family, including historic coins and a medal from the First World War.”

Two people, the owners of the business, were arrested as part of the investigation.

EPS have posted photos of the stolen property on their Pinterest page, and are asking any potential owners to have proof of ownership, such as a stolen property police report, photos of the jewelry or a receipt of purchase before contacting police.

“It’s really important for people to know that when they’re trying to claim these items, that they are obviously going to have to have some significant proof, we hope they had filed a police report, or some people had taken photos of their jewelry for insurance purposes,” EPS spokesperson Scott Pattison said.

Anyone who may have owned those items, and has sufficient proof of ownership, is asked to contact police through e-mail: EPSPinterest@edmontonpolice.ca.

With files from David Ewasuk