An Edmonton woman is warning neighbors about coyotes travelling into their southwest residential area after her cat was killed in her property.

Julie Sime said that a coyote killed her cat on the front porch of her house Thursday, and the incident was captured on her security camera footage.

“I dropped to the floor,” Sime said. “I couldn’t fathom the fact that a wild animal was in our neighborhood and on our porch. It’s gruesome.”

This wasn't the first time that Sime dealt with a dead animal killed by a coyote. Her dog found another cat corpse nearby recently.

“He pulled out a dead cat,” she said. “It had been chewed and arms were missing.”

Sime is devastated about this latest incident, which has led her to warn her neighbors to avoid more predations.

“I’m trying to let people know that there is a coyote hunting in our neighborhood,” Sime said. “I just want the public to be aware that this is happening. You need to keep your cats inside, and your small dogs inside when you’re not watching them.”

The city is aware of the incident and said that it is becoming more common.

With files from Frazer Snowdon.