Hannah Deacon, a registered dietitian, joined CTV Morning Live’s Nicole Lampa on the importance of shifting from a “diet” to a “health-focused” approach.
This transcript has been edited for length and clarity.
Nicole Lampa: It’s a time for setting goals, and for many, that means a number on the scale. But is focusing on weight a good approach to your health? Hannah, let’s start there. Is that a good approach to health and incorporating exercise?
Hannah Deacon: Setting goals is great, yet we have to ensure that health is the number one focus and that we’re not tying our worth to a number on the scale. Setting goals that are small and smart goals, so specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. What happens at this time of year is that we’re excited and motivated. In the midst of that, the goal setting is sometimes too ambitious, and people lose momentum somewhere in January. We want to set goals that are not only health focused, but sustainable long-term. Goals that go beyond 2025, so that in 2026 we’re not setting the same goals all over again.
Nicole: How important is setting up your mindset when putting your goals together?
Hannah: Mindset is crucial, and in my opinion, the most important factor. The first factor here is shifting from a diet mindset to a health-focused mindset. Secondly, we all know vegetables are healthy and hydration is important, but sometimes what gets in the way is limiting beliefs, negative associations, unhealthy relationships with food, exercise and our bodies. Shifting those can be the key to moving forward, to achieve those health goals, but sustain them long-term.
Nicole: When it comes to your diet, is there a healthy versus unhealthy way when it comes to losing weight?
Hannah: Absolutely. Diets that focus on restriction leave people very discouraged and with an unhealthy relationship with food, and unfortunately stuck in that cycle. If we put health as the number one focus, we incorporate foods that nourish our bodies, do exercise that feels good, rather than just focusing on the calories burned. Once those habits change, then we can have much better health outcomes.
Nicole: If someone is looking for a healthier lifestyle and a healthier diet, where can they start?
Hannah: The first step is seeking professional guidance. I’m always happy to help people make sense of all the noise out there, so they feel less overwhelmed. There’s also setting goals that are individual. There’s no one size fits all. Most importantly, enjoying the journey. Incorporating fun exercises, healthy yet exciting recipes, and it’s very important to be kind to yourself. It’s about progress, not perfection. Goals and motivation are all important, but we have to balance them with self-compassion and not compare ourselves to others. As they say, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Your health and wellness journey is yours to live.
Nicole: When speaking about comparison, you see a lot of people doing different things on social media when it comes to their diet. What advice do you have for people about the fads that they see out there?
Hannah: Everybody’s body is different, and not to just trust whatever is out there. This is where seeking professional guidance is really important, so that something is tailored to you. Everybody is in a different place on this journey, so we can’t look at others and go, “This is working for them, or that’s working for them.” That’s not the right approach.