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Edmontonians gather Sunday to call on Canada to uphold human rights in Gaza

A large group came together in Churchill Square Feb. 4 to protest the Canadian government's military support of Israel. ( A large group came together in Churchill Square Feb. 4 to protest the Canadian government's military support of Israel. (

A large group gathered in Churchill Square Sunday to protest the Canadian government's support of Israel and its military operations in Gaza.

"We're calling on the Canadian government to stop the trade of weapons between Israel and to uphold human rights and justice," said organizer Fatmeh Kalouti.

The Gaza Health Ministry estimates more than 27,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war, and around 85 per cent of Gaza's population had been displaced. The ministry does not distinguish between civilian and combatant deaths but says most of the people killed have been women and children. 

Kalouti said Canada needs to stand behind the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice, ordering Israel to "take all measures within its power" to prevent destruction, loss of life and acts of genocide in Gaza.

"It really is saddening, and also maddening that we continue having to protest for human rights in 2024," she said.Protests in support of the Palestinian people have been taking place in Edmonton weekly since the war was declared in late October.

Kalouti believes the demonstrations are having a positive effect and helping the cause.

"I feel like we are moving the needle," she said. "We are seeing a huge shift in narrative ...

People are shifting their perspectives, people are starting to open their eyes."

The Canadian government has not yet directly said it believes Israel must follow the ICJ's ruling.

With files from the Associated Press