EDMONTON -- A former RCMP officer, convicted of multiple crimes including fraud and harassment, will not be allowed to practice in the pharmacy profession, a tribunal has ruled.

The Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP) announced on Wednesday that it had cancelled the registration of now former student, Aaron Sayler, citing his past conduct.

In September 2018, Sayler was found guilty of four theft and fraud related charges. In 2019, he was charged and convicted with criminal harassment and mischief.

A hearing tribunal for ACP ruled that Sayler "failed to act with honesty and integrity during the criminal trial" in 2019. 

An ACP press release noted that while Sayler’s criminal activity did not have anything to do with pharmacy or health, the tribunal found his conduct was still "unprofessional."

Sayler also received a lifetime ban on owning or operating a pharmacy. The ACP called it "the most significant of penalties" that could be imposed by the college. 

Sayler resigned from the RCMP in 2016, the same year the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) began investigating allegations against him.