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It’s official: Alberta to vote on daylight saving time and equalization in October referendum


Albertans will go to the ballot box to answer two referendum questions this fall during municipal elections.

The lieutenant-governor of Alberta officially ordered the referendums on Monday after two order-in-councils were approved.

The referendum questions that Albertans will see on their ballot will be:

  • “Should section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 - Parliament and the government of Canada’s commitment to the principle of making equalization payments - be removed from the constitution?”
  • “Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?”

The questions will be answered by either a “yes” or “no” vote.

According to the order-in-council approving the referendum on daylight saving time, that result will be legally binding.

Some political scientists in Alberta have previously said the referendum on daylight saving time is a “waste of everyone’s time,” and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association have said they worry the referendums will distract from municipal issues and elections. Top Stories

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