EDMONTON -- A group of Fort Saskatchewan-area farmers participated in a harvest fundraiser Wednesday to help end global hunger.

A dozen local farmers brought their combines to a donated piece of land near Gibbons where they harvested a 295-acre canola field.

"We raise crops with the proceeds going to help the hungry in developing nations around the world," said Shaun Galloway with Share the Harvest.

The crop will be sold with the proceeds donated to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank which is a partnership of 15 Canadian churches working together to end global hunger.

"We've got to give back something and our cup was so full, so it's on us to share with others. So if this is the least we can do then I'm very happy to do it," said farmer Russ Van Boom.

The harvest is eligible for a grant from the federal government that could help them raise about half a million dollars.

This is the 18th year for the harvest.