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MacEwan University celebrates 50 years


MacEwan University kicked off a weekend of celebrations to mark its 50th anniversary on Friday.

Festivities started with speeches and a band performance. Awards were also handed out to distinguished alumni members.

Officials say it’s a time to celebrate the contributions MacEwan has made to the community.

“I really love that we’re downtown, I see us as in the mix, and I see our students learning on campus and in the community. Our faculty and our students are very interested in looking at the challenges facing the community and being part of that solution,” said President and CEO Annette Trimbee. “So seven city blocks, 18,000 students, but what will always stay the same is we’re rooted in community, we care about teaching and our scholarly work, and we’ll have an impact and be relevant to the people around us.”

On Saturday, an ideas festival is scheduled, along with a pancake breakfast, and activities for kids. Top Stories

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