CTV Edmonton | Poll Results
CTV Edmonton Poll Results
Would you like to see a gondola in Edmonton’s river valley?
Total number of votes: 0
CTV Edmonton Poll
Do you think playground zone hours should be changed to longer hours in the summer, and shorter in winter?
Total number of votes: 0
CTV Edmonton Poll
Do you agree with the Alberta government's decision to halt imports of B.C. wines into the province?
Total number of votes: 0
CTV Edmonton Poll
Do you think the City of Edmonton should keep its fireworks show at midnight?
Yes, it’s a tradition |
0 |
(0 %) |
No, I like the earlier time |
0 |
(0 %) |
Total number of votes: 0
Do you think the Edmonton Eskimos should change their name?
Total number of votes: 0
CTV Edmonton Poll
Do you think the Alberta government should make it mandatory to pay for gas at the pump?
Total number of votes: 0
Advance voting is currently available ahead on next Monday's civic election. Have you voted yet?
Yes |
1 |
(100 %) |
No, I will vote on October 16 |
0 |
(0 %) |
I won't vote |
0 |
(0 %) |
Total number of votes: 1
Should the province make pre-paying mandatory at gas stations to avoid gas and dash fatalities?
Total number of votes: 0
Should First Nation groups be given special access to hunt in national parks?
Total number of votes: 0
Ontario is taking measures to make so-called ‘scalper bots’ illegal. Do you think Alberta should follow suit?
Total number of votes: 0
How concerned would you be about vacationing in Las Vegas, following Sunday’s shooting?
Not at all |
0 |
(0 %) |
Somewhat |
0 |
(0 %) |
Very |
0 |
(0 %) |
Total number of votes: 0
Do you feel less safe in Edmonton after the series of attacks overnight?
Total number of votes: 0
Should the city use the term “ahead of schedule” in describing openings involving the new Walterdale Bridge?
Total number of votes: 0
Do you find Brian Jean’s comments offensive?
Total number of votes: 0
Photo radar is becoming a contentious issue this election with one candidate calling on the city to review it. What do you think?
It’s a cash grab. Lose it. |
0 |
(0 %) |
It’s fine, but should be reduced. |
0 |
(0 %) |
Status quo. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. |
0 |
(0 %) |
Total number of votes: 0
Are you planning on getting a flu shot this season?
Total number of votes: 0
CTV Edmonton Poll
Should RCMP officers engage in high-speed chases even if there's a risk to the public?
Yes, catch them |
0 |
(0 %) |
No, too dangerous |
0 |
(0 %) |
Total number of votes: 0
After a court ruling, a ban on pharmacies offering rewards points is back in effect. Does this change where you get prescriptions filled?
Total number of votes: 0
Would you hug a pop machine, in public, to get a free drink?
Total number of votes: 0
An Alberta woman received two speeding tickets, 10 seconds apart, from two separate speed cameras. Do you think there should be a minimum distance between speed cameras?
Total number of votes: 0