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'People are hurting': Edmontonians drop off donations for holiday food drive


The Alberta Motor Association held its third annual Stack to Sack Hunger day on Saturday, collecting cash and food for local food banks.

The food drive took place at AMA locations across the province.

Organizers say the need this year is greater than ever.

“It’s dire out there right now and that’s why we’re doing this,” said Robyn Couture of AMA.

Couture said with increased cost of living, fewer people have come out to donate than in previous years.

“People who have been coming through have been more than generous, we’ve seen full trunk loads of food and lots and lots of things come in so far today, but it hasn’t been the same type of volume that we’ve seen in the past.”

Edmontonians who did come out said they came because it’s an important cause.

“I’ve been doing it for many, many years, because before we were married, I was a single mom and I was very thankful for help at any time. So every single year we drop food off,” Shirley Georges, who came with her husband, told CTV News Edmonton.

“No matter how tight our budget is, we do something.”

Georges said she’s been donating to food drives at Christmas for more than 30 years.

Julie Barnett had similar sentiments.

“I came out to help people who are less fortunate than I am,” she said.

“It’s more apparent this year. You can see it everywhere you go. People are hurting.”

Saturday’s food drive is part of AMA’s Fill Our Fleet campaign, which aims to raise $53,000 in cash donations and 23,000 pounds of food to make sure no Albertan goes hungry this holiday season.

If you missed Saturday’s food drive, you can donate to the Fill Our Fleet campaign online or at any AMA location until Dec. 16.

With files from CTV News Edmonton’s Amanda Anderson.