The City unveiled concepts for new pieces of public artwork, set to be installed in Terwillegar Park.

Officials unveiled three pieces by Edmonton artist Royden Mills, called Resonant Progression – describing the sculptures as ‘interactive’, meant to amplify natural sounds in the park.

Two of the three pieces will be installed near the main entrance to the park, and the third will be installed near the south bank of the future Terwillegar Park Footbridge.

The total commission for the pieces is $126,400, as part of the percent for art program, requiring that one percent of the cost of any publicly accessible municipal project be put towards art.

The footbridge is part of the River Valley Alliance projects to increase access to the river valley, the 262 meter long bridge will link Terwillegar Park to River Valley Oleskiw is under construction, and is on schedule and on its $24.5 million budget.

The sculptures will be installed at some point in the summer of 2016. The bridge is expected to be completed by September 2016.

More details on the art pieces can be found online.