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Illegal right turns have led to 5 crashes involving vehicles and Valley Line Southeast LRT trains: TransEd

A vehicle crashed into a Valley Line LRT car on a red light on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023 (Supplied). A vehicle crashed into a Valley Line LRT car on a red light on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023 (Supplied).

Officials say drivers illegally turning right has led to five crashes with Valley Line Southeast LRT trains.

Since November, TransEd says in three cases, trains have run into vehicles turning illegally, and in two cases vehicles turning illegally have sideswiped a train.

The drivers ignored red traffic signals, and "no right turn on red" signs, TransEd said.

No one was injured in any of the crashes, and TransEd says the trains only suffered cosmetic damage.

"We are continuing our safety education campaign in partnership with the City to spread awareness of the increased train testing along the Valley Line Southeast," said Dallas Lindskoog of TransEd in a written statement. "We also have numerous variable message signs warning motorists to ‘obey traffic signals, and follow the ‘no right turn on red’ signage/signals."

TransEd has not announced an opening date for the Valley Line Southeast LRT line, which has been delayed several times.