He may not hear them with his ear plugs in, but the NDP is calling Premier Jason Kenney's actions during a debate "disappointing" and "disrespectful."

According to an NDP MLA, while the opposition spoke against the UCP's ninth bill at the legislature overnight Tuesday, Kenney walked down the aisles handing out ear plugs to his government officials.

"I heard him say, 'This is so that you don't have to listen to Thomas and the others over there,'" NDP MLA Thomas Dang said. "I think that's something that is truly disappointing and unbecoming of a premier."

UCP House Leader Jason Nixon said it was all in good fun, but denies wearing ear plugs during the debate.

"This doesn't impact decorum at all: a caucus having a humorous moment together," Nixon said. "What impacts decorum is the NDP's continued behaviour inside the legislature. We had an MLA on the NDP side just the other day, MLA Freehan, comparing Bill 9 to slavery."

Rachel Notley, the opposition leader, retweeted a Twitter thread criticizing the premier Friday morning.


Bill 9, the Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act, would delay wage negotiations with public sector workers until Oct. 31.