The Alberta government has introduced new rules to make fuel prepayment mandatory at all gas stations in the province starting Friday, June 1.

The new Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) rules aim to prevent gas-and-dash incidents and the accidents that can come with them.

Gas stations are not required to upgrade to pay-at-the pump-technology, the province said. They suggest options such as paying at the pump, paying the attendant before fuelling or pre-authorizing cards.

“Fuel prepayment saves lives,” Minister of Labour Christina Gray said in a press release. “These new rules will improve safety for fuel and convenience store workers by preventing violent gas-and-dash incidents. While it may take a few extra minutes, paying before you pump is worth it to make sure all workers go home safely to their families at the end of the day.”

A gas station owner was killed in a gas-and-dash in Thorsby last October when he attempted to stop a stolen cube van from leaving his Fas Gas without paying. A Spruce Grove man was arrested and charged with second-degree murder on Monday.

The province also developed a violence prevention plan for convenience stores. It suggests locking safes overnight, limiting the quantity of cash, tobacco and lottery tickets on hand, and using video surveillance.