Two more evacuation orders were issued in northern Alberta Wednesday night.
Alberta Wildfire asked for the mandatory evacuations of the Hamlet of Wabasca and Bigstone Cree Nation.
Their residents should evacuate south on Highway 813 to Calling Lake, Alberta Wildfire said. Evacuees are asked to register at the Calling Lake Recreation Centre, located at 2870 Central Drive.
Chuckegg Fire
The wildfire—which has now grown to more than 150,000 hectares—is burning approximately three kilometres southwest of High Level, the province said.
Campers staying at La Crete Ferry Campground in northern Alberta were told to evacuate immediately early Wednesday afternoon.
The campground is about 60 kilometres southwest of La Crete, near Highway 697. Alberta Transportation has closed that highway.
Residents located two kilometres east of the campground north and south of Highway 697 to Range Road 164 and Steep Hill Creek have also been told to prepare to evacuate on short notice.
Evacuees have been told to register at the Mackenzie County office in La Crete, or by calling 780-928-3983. The La Crete reception centre at 15411-1060 Township Road, south of La Crete, is providing a place to stay.
La Crete is located southwest of High Level, about 670 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.
Battle River Complex Wildfire
Residents in the County of Northern Lights have been ordered to evacuate immediately within the following boundaries: north from Township Road 922, south from Twin Lakes Campground, west from the Notikewin River.
Disaster declared
The provincial government has declared these May wildfires a disaster. This means they will implement section 7 of the fiscal planning and transparency act for extraordinary losses and damages and emergency response costs resulting from wildfires in the 2019-2020 fiscal year.