A new initiative will give officers another tool to help eliminate crime in the area.

Edmonton Police received the Crown Prosecutor’s blessing to impose “Area Restrictions” as a bail condition for repeat offenders who routinely cross the line.

If police officers notice a trend in criminal behavior, an area restriction can be issued. That section would extend from the area between 109 Street to 99 Street and a two-block radius north and south of 92 Avenue.

The initiative means those repeat offenders will be banned, if approved by a judge, from returning to the area. If those conditions are breached, they will be arrested.

Constable Ryan Ferry, who used to work the Whyte Avenue beat, said “with the summer time kicking up and [Whyte Avenue] becoming much busier, we are looking for people to understand there is going to be a zero tolerance with repeat problem behaviour.”

EPS said the pilot project is unique, but worth trying.

Disorderly conduct accounts for nearly half of all incidents responded to on Whyte Ave.