The mother of a teenage girl who died from an ecstasy overdose Friday night says taking her daughter off life support was the most difficult thing she has ever had to do.

Two 14-year-old girls were taken to hospital after they took a number of ecstasy tablets while at a Rock and Ride event in West Edmonton Mall Friday night.

One of the girls died from an ecstasy overdose later that night, and the other is still in hospital.

Family identify the young victim as Cassie Williams and say she had ingested an estimated six tablets of ecstasy Friday night.

"You see it on TV...people having to take a family member off life support, but you never think it's going to be you," said Cassie's mother Angela Eyre.

Williams's best friend Ashley Morin, who was identified by her mother, is still in hospital and is expected to be released Monday.

"We're hoping that she's going to come over weekly like she used to," said Williams's sister Alana Eyre. "She's going to be the one that's going to help us thought it."

Solicitor General Fred Lindsay said that his thoughts are with the family and friends of the young girls, but he also sent out a stern reminder about the dangers of illegal drugs Sunday.

"These drugs are not made under any kind of laboratory controls," said Lindsay. "When you take these drugs and ingest them in your body you have no idea what the quality is or what could be in them."

Lindsay went on to say that Alberta's youth need activities to keep them busy, so they don't have time to experiment with drugs.

"Parents as well have to be educated so they know what signs to look for as well, so if their children do get involved they can pick up on the symptoms very quickly and get them the help they need," said Lindsay.

Williams's stepfather agrees parents need to be aware, but he hopes his step-daughter's death will act as a reminder to teens about the danger of illegal drugs.

"Don't touch it, don't go near it," said stepfather Guy Buehler. "It can take your life the first time and you can imagine how hard that is."

On Saturday police were in pursuit of a 16-year-old who is accused of selling ecstasy to the two girls. However, during the arrest in downtown Edmonton the young man lost consciousness.

The suspect was taken to hospital immediately. No charges have been laid against him.

The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team has been called in to investigate the incident.