Greenpeace is speaking out against a pipeline company, after an oil and processed water spill was reported in northern Alberta.

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) told CTV News that about 70,000 litres of oil and processed water was spilled in an area located northwest of Slave Lake, Alberta.

AER told The Canadian Press that the breach happened Monday, and was reported by the pipeline’s owner, Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL), that same day.

The regulator said the spill is not an emergency – as the oil is not near people, water or wildlife – and confirmed to The Canadian Press that a cleanup is underway.

Greenpeace Canada issued a statement saying between 2003 and 2012; CNRL has had 2,168 pipeline incidents in Alberta – saying that was almost twice as many as any other company.

CNRL told The Canadian Press Wednesday that all of the oil had been recovered from the spill – as most of the fluid leaked was processed water.

A spokesperson said the leak came from an “above ground pipe failure”, and the leak lasted for less than three hours.

With files from The Canadian Press