RED DEER -- This weekend The Market at Red Deer returns for its 51st year.
The market will open Saturday at the Servus Arena parking lot and will run every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. until Thanksgiving weekend in October.
“We’re happy to be opening,” said Dennis Moffat, the retired owner and manager of the market.
“We were concerned and afraid that we would have to stay closed for a long time, but the people of Red Deer have their market open again for the 51st year.”
The market will maintain the same COVID-19 protocols as it had last year. People are asked to wear masks and adhere to the physical distancing rule.
There will also only be one entrance and exit for customers. Moffat said the protocols worked last year as there were no cases linked to the market.
“It was tough, but it worked and people were very cooperative,” Moffat said.
He added that attendance was down last year, but hopes it improves this year.
“The sales were down and the attendance down, but it happens and we’ll fight our way through it.”
“This year we’re hoping it improves, so come down and support it.”
According to Moffat, before the pandemic, the market would bring in approximately $5 million worth of business each year.