The RCMP is issuing a warning to the public about the recent release of a high risk sex offender who spent the past two years in jail for possession of child pornography, accessing child pornography, and sexual interference.

Bruce Donald Windsor, 48, will be released from custody on Friday and plans to reside within the Edmonton area.

He is described as:

  • Caucasian
  • 5'10 tall
  • 176 pounds
  • Blue eyes and brown hair

The man is bound by a 20-year order prohibiting him from attending a public park, public swimming area, daycare centre, school ground, playground or community centre where children under the age of 14 are present.

He is also bound by a lifetime prohibition from obtaining employment, paid or volunteer, that involves being in a position of trust towards a person under age 14.

And is prohibited from using a computer for the purposes of communicating with a person under the age of 14.