A young Edmonton family has received more than $10,000 in donations since CTV News introduced their son Maddox to the public. The family has made a plea to the province to help foot the bill of a costly surgery their disfigured toddler needs.

Mike Flynn and Nicole Champagne's two-and-a-half-year-old son Maddox was born with a severe birth defect. The family says they are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support they've received in the past 24 hours.

The family says the surgery Maddox needs comes with a hefty price tag of $50,000. The young couple says they can't come up with that money on their own, so they have written a letter to the province's out-of-country health services committee hoping for help.

But a doctor based out of New York who specializes in blood vessel abnormalities, is willing to perform the surgery next week.

A trust fund that the family set up at the Royal Bank now has more than $10,000.

"I've been floating on cloud nine -- just the support coming in from family, friends," said Mike.

Maddox's story is now compelling people from across the country to reach out and donate to the young family.

"I would like to give them hope, to hold on to hope and we will eventually help them. Canadians are kind of like that, so when someone needs help we all step up," said Victoria Nassiri who lives in Toronto.

One organization has even stepped up and committed to flying Maddox and his dad to and from New York.

"We did see the family struggling and the community coming together and we really wanted to be a part of this, helping them get to that treatment that they need to get to," said Sandrine Leverier, flight manager for Hope Air.

On Friday, Alberta Health and Wellness tell CTV News the committee has 60 days to assess and evaluate before making a decision on the Flynn family's case. If it decides to cover some or all of the costs, the Flynn family would be reimbursed.

Maddox has a rare condition called lymphatic malformation. 

For more information on making a donation, you can e-mail the family here.