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Battle of Alberta bet paid at Calgary city council with Oilers jerseys


Edmonton Oilers colours filled the Calgary city council chamber Tuesday, as Mayor Jyoti Gondek made good on her lost battle of Alberta bet – in full face paint.

Gondek brought the friendly wager to Mayor Amarjeet Sohi in May as the two cities battled it out on the ice. The losing mayor would have to attend a council meeting in a jersey and face paint of the rival team.

The bet was inspired by Ben Stelter, a six-year old Oilers fan with brain cancer, and included donations to the winner’s children’s cancer charity of choice – which will be the Kids with Cancer society.

“I am pleased to see Mayor Gondek and her council colleagues here today looking incredible in Oilers blue and orange,” said Sohi. He said the bet garnered attention across Alberta, and called on Albertans to now come together to support Kids with Cancer by making donations in the denominations of their favorite player numbers. So, while bet is over, the competition continues.

“The Edmonton Oilers may have won the battle of Alberta. But which city will end up donating more to the worthy cause?” Sohi asked. “We will have to wait and see.”

Both Gondek and Sohi made $500 contributions, with councillors from both cities making donations as well.

“I’m just very happy that we had even more reason to cheer during the playoff series,” said Gondek. “We had a boy that we were rooting for as well, and we continue to.”

“Thank you Mayor Sohi. Thank you to your council. Thank you to my council for being good sports and wearing these terrible outfits today.”

Donations can be made directly to Kids with Cancer Society on their website Top Stories

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