After months of fluctuating energy costs, the price of electricity in residential homes served by Epcor will see an almost 50 per cent hike next month.

In September, power cost just over 8 cents per kilowatt hour.

However, RRO Energy rates just released by Epcor show the price will jump to nearly 12.5 cents per kilowatt hour in October.

It's not the first time the price has jumped in the last six months, in May and June, the price was less than 7 cents per kilowatt hour – and jumped to nearly 10 cents in July.

In August, the price reached its highest point in a six month period, at just less than 13 cents.

Epcor isn't sure exactly why the price is going up again, but had a few reasons.

"There could be a number of factors," Epcor repsresentative Tim Leriche said. "They could include population growth, [or] weather.

"There could have been some generation plants that were out at the time – and we did see some media stories that said some plants were out – and it could be general usage patterns."

Epcor said the average home could have to pay about $27 more, adding up to bill of about $170.

Epcor has a listing of energy-saving tips for Albertans concerned about their energy usage, they can be found on the Epcor website.

With files from Kim Taylor