A Fort Saskatchewan family spent Christmas with friends after their home went up in flames on December 24.

The blaze began just after 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve in the Greenfield Close community of the city.

Fire officials said by the time the crew arrived the house was fully engulfed in flames but the family of four along with their three dogs and four puppies were able to escape safely.

"We ran out the door," Leasa Stanley told CTV News.

"As we were running out the door the kids started screaming for the dogs."

Stanley said she turned around to look at the house before she decided to run in and rescue the beloved pets.

"I could see the bottom part of the house was on fire but the top half looked pretty good," she explained.

Leasa said she and her husband, Darcy, had been wrapping one last present upstairs while their two sons played in a nearby bedroom.

When they were finished Darcy noticed the smoke and ran downstairs where the tree was on fire.

"It went up very quickly," he explained.

About 25 firefighters managed to get the fire under control and also salvaged a few presents, photos and the family's computer.

The Stanley's were able to stay with friends for the last couple of days. Neighbours who will be going away on holiday have offered their home for the next few weeks.

"People have been phenomenal," Leasa said.

"I can't even tell you how much people have done for us. It's absolutely amazing."

The community gathered donations and gifts, which were delivered to the family on Christmas Day.

"They had presents, they had clothes, they had toothbrushes and toothpaste," Leasa recalled.

"They handed me an envelope of cash. There were hugs. It was pretty amazing," she explained adding that the city's mayor had even stopped by with some donations.

"People have stepped above and beyond the call of duty.

"Our hearts are so full of gratitude that we have no room to be sad," Leasa said.

"It really makes you feel at home," Darcy agreed. He added the family had only moved to the community in June but they feel they made the right decision.

With files from Amanda Anderson