More than a dozen dead cattle were found scattered across a rural property near Killam last week, and the farmer who owns the property describes it as “the worst thing he’s ever seen”.

“Seventeen dead bodies…,” said property owner Dave Prichard. “We never asked for this.”

Although the cattle were found on his land, Prichard says the animals belong to his neighbour. He thinks the cows died searching for food and shelter.  

The animals' owner, Noah Kennedy, declined an on-camera interview but off camera, told CTV News that some of the cows died after eating too much wheat, which can be poisonous if consumed in large quantities.

The SPCA is now investigating the case.

“We have collected all our evidence with the initial search warrant but the ongoing care of the existing animals will be a concern,” said Roland Lines, Alberta SPCA Communications Manager.

The SPCA won’t reveal whether they’ve been called to Kennedy’s farm before, and won’t say if charges will be laid.  

“We do sometimes lay charges against owners but only if that's going to further the animal welfare,” said Lines. “If we encounter a problem that needs to be addressed, the owner is given an opportunity to address that.”

Under the Animal Health Act, the owner of an animal must dispose of its carcass.

With files from Sarah Richter