An Edmonton committee is trying to put an end to discrimination against breastfeeding in public.

The Breastfeeding Action Committee of Edmonton (BACE) launched its Breastfeeding Friendly Edmonton education campaign with a number of “Yes, you can breastfeed here” billboards across the city.

“Families need our public spaces to be safe and welcoming for breastfeeding,” BACE president Krystina Langston said. “The general public, retail and facility managers and staff and volunteers all need to support breastfeeding in public and know that asking a breastfeeding family to move or cover could be a violation of rights.”

Reche Watson, one of the billboard models, told CTV News she’s among the women who have been discriminated against for feeding their baby in public.

“I personally had been discriminated against for breastfeeding my little guy when he was one week old at the airport,” she said. “You shouldn't be discriminated against no matter how you choose to feed your baby.”

For more information about the breastfeeding committee, click here.