Parishioners at a popular downtown church gathered Sunday to hear a final sermon from a long-time reverend.

Reverend Dr. John Henry Weinlick delivered his last sermon at McDougall United Church Sunday.

"Today I am concluding 44 years of ministry," Weinlick said.

Weinlick is well-known for his humourous and inclusive approach to religious life. Just two weeks ago, Weinlick acknowledged Pride Week by holding a special service preaching about respecting diversity.

After 44 years as a reverend, with 42 of those years in Edmonton and the last decade at McDougall United, Weinlick says his final sermon brought on a mixture of emotions.

"I'm happy about what's happened and the celebration of life. I'm happy with how the McDougall Church is alive with spirit and I'm happy with what's happening in downtown and I'm sad that a chapter in my life is ending and I'm moving forward," Weinlick said.

"This is a new beginning for me."

Weinlick says his retirement signals a time for a change in his life.

"We'll see what happens next. I'm shifting gears," he said.

"For 44 years I've been focused on working weekends, Sundays, doing weddings… hopefully I'll go out and have some fun and enjoy life and some new purpose."

Weinlick started as a reverend in Edmonton at the Rio Terrace Morovian Church.

He spent 23 years there before moving to the Spirit West United Church (formerly known as the Gilchrist Memorial United) and finally ending up at McDougall United.