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Smoke's sticking around Edmonton into Wednesday


Smoke rolled into the Edmonton region from the east Tuesday.

Wildfires burning in eastern Saskatchewan are producing the thick plumes of smoke that have much of east-central Alberta and areas around Edmonton under air quality advisories.

The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) for Tuesday was in the four (moderate risk) range for Edmonton. However, areas just east of the city have readings in the seven/eight range (high risk).

Smoky conditions are expected to persist in the Edmonton region through much of the day Wednesday, with AQHI readings forecast to be in the four to seven range Tuesday night and early Wednesday.

Conditions should improve by late afternoon or early evening Wednesday in the city and surrounding regions.

However, northeast Alberta could be in for even worse conditions Wednesday. Areas from Fort McMurray south to Lloydminster will likely have moderate to high risk AQHI readings thanks to thick smoke. Conditions in those areas should improve early Thursday.

For most people, the smoke around Edmonton is a nuisance and not posing much of a health concern, but, people with respiratory issues, the elderly and young children should avoid spending significant amounts of time outdoors and everyone should limit strenuous outdoor activity.