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'This is what Alberta is': Kids lace up Sunday in support of Ben Stelter Foundation

Kids lace up for a 500-lap skate-a-thon in support of the Ben Stelter Foundation at the Falun Outdoor Rink on March 3, 2024. (Brandon Lynch/CTV News Edmonton) Kids lace up for a 500-lap skate-a-thon in support of the Ben Stelter Foundation at the Falun Outdoor Rink on March 3, 2024. (Brandon Lynch/CTV News Edmonton)

The second annual Hockey Hooky for Ben fundraiser wrapped up Sunday with a 500-lap skate-a-thon at the Falun Outdoor Rink.

The week-long event invited Albertans across the province to hold hockey-related events to help raise money for the Ben Stelter Foundation.

The foundation was created to help families of children with cancer, through special experiences, medical equipment and funding cancer research.

Teams, businesses, schools and families played hockey, ringette and held skating parties.

Neil Brown, of the Pigeon Lake Athletic, Cultural and Education Society, said last year's Hockey Hooky for Ben raised more than $10,000.

"This community here has always been a strong community," Brown said. "You got hard working kids out here. This is what Alberta is.

"Everyone rolls up their sleeves, everybody goes to work and they're not quitting."

Kids from 4 to 14 years old hit the rink for the 500 laps. In the morning, the group had raised just under $3,000. Brown said they were hoping to hit $5,000 by the end of the day.

"We're hoping to raise as much money as we can for the foundation," Brown said. "It shows here with all these kids that showed up today in the cold weather ready to skate." Top Stories

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