Thomas Lukaszuk was allegedly assaulted Saturday afternoon while campaigning in the constituency of Edmonton Castle-Downs.

In a release from the PC Alberta party, Lukaszuk made the following statement.

"As the Education Minister, I have strong values that we are best served by having a discussion about ideas,

not a confrontation through violence," said Minister Lukaszuk. "Obviously, this is a unfortunate incident. I will

be making a full statement to police and hope no one, politician or otherwise, is subjected to violence."

In the front yard of the home was a campaign sign indicating support for John Oplanich, the Wildrose candidate in the riding.

The home owner who is alleged to have committed the assault recollected the events.

"I grabbed him by the sweater and turned him around and started pushed him off my property," says Al Michalchuk. "And he still, he would turn around and he wouldn't leave."

The party's leader, Alison Redford was dismayed to hear of the situation.

"I have great faith that everyone who enters public life, regardless of their political affiliation, is dedicated to making our community better," says Redford. "As politicians we agree to disagree - that's what democracy is about, but we stand together against violence."

Edmonton police are investigating the assault.