The City is getting a head start on their battle with dandelions in city parks, sports fields and open spaces throughout Edmonton.

The dandelion season typically peaks in May and June so earlier this week, the City started applying iron chelate on some of the city’s sports fields.

Iron chelate was first used in 2017 and has been brought back because the city said it dries quickly, does not leave a chemical residue, and poses negligible health and environmental risks.

The first application is taking place over the next two to three weeks, with up to 20 fields being treated each day.

During spraying, fields should be avoided, but are safe to use when dry, which takes between 30 minutes and 3 hours depending on the weather.

Weeds that have been treated with iron chelate turn a dark red-black colour, but are safe to touch. The City will post signs to identify which fields are being sprayed and when.