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Catch-up clinic for routine immunizations provided in schools to be hosted by AHS


Alberta Health Services (AHS) will run a catch-up immunization clinic throughout the entire Edmonton health zone for students that normally would have received HPV, dTap, and Hepatitis B vaccines in-school but missed out due to COVID-19.

In a statement, AHS said the program would run in August and September to offer students in Grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 the opportunity to receive their routine immunizations.

In Grade 6, students across the province receive the Hepatitis B vaccine, which protects against serious liver damage, and the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, or HPV vaccine.

In Grade 9, students receive a dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine – also known as the dTap vaccine – and a dose of meningococcal vaccine, that helps offer protection against meningitis.

Students only receive vaccines after parental consent is granted. Anyone interested in booking their child for a catch-up immunization is asked to call their local public health centre for an appointment.

AHS said it would resume providing in-school immunization services again this fall.

“(AHS) will ensure that every eligible student has access to vaccines for which consent has been given,” the health authority said.

“Immunization is an important way to prevent disease and protect your child’s heath and the health of those around them from vaccine-preventable diseases.” Top Stories

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