A string of home invasions and break-ins in Fox Creek, Alta., over the past two weeks have left area residents in fear.

"It's terrifying. It's honestly terrifying," said resident Chris Watt.

Watt is one of many whose home was invaded in the small Alberta town.

"I've got a one-year-old son too. Thank God he wasn't home with me. I mean what could have happened?"

Noreen Ellis is another resident who woke up to discover that her home had been broken into. The woman told CTV News her purse was stolen while she was sound asleep.

"I think it's a little unnerving at that moment because you don't know if they're still here," she said.

Police are now investigating over 40 reported break-ins in the community of just 2,300. And while police only have few leads in the case, they now fear that residents may take matter into their own hands.

"It's extremely high risk. The wrong person could be confronted, you could have injuries or deaths as a result of that because we don't know what the suspects are capable of," said Sgt. Rodney Koscielny with Fox Creek RCMP.

"I've been told there's a certain guy in town that has already started a vigilante group. What's going to happen if they catch this guy?" said Watt.

The RCMP major crimes unit from Edmonton is now helping with the investigation. Officers in Fox Creek have asked other nearby towns to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.

So far, police only have brief descriptions of two suspects. One man is described as tall and thin, the other as a short stout man. Police said both were reported wearing dark hoodies.

With files from Bill Fortier