A young Edmonton family continues to receive donations from generous citizens to help foot the bill of a costly surgery their disfigured toddler needs.

Mike Flynn and Nicole Champagne's two-and-a-half-year-old son Maddox was born with a severe birth defect. The family says they continue to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of support they've received since their story first aired last week on CTV.

"It's so unbelievable, it just makes my heart melt," said Nicole.

The family says the surgery Maddox needs comes with a hefty price tag of $50,000. The young couple says they can't come up with that money on their own, so they have written a letter to the province's out-of-country health services committee hoping for help.

But a doctor based out of New York who specializes in blood vessel abnormalities, is willing to perform the surgery this Friday.

A trust fund that the family set up at the Royal Bank now has about $35,000.

Maddox's story has compelled people from across the country to reach out and donate to the young family.

There have been many small donations made by generous residents, and then there are some businesses such as Crystal Glass, that have donated thousands.

One organization has even stepped up and committed to flying Maddox and his dad to and from New York. The pair plans to leave Tuesday even though they haven't yet made their target.

"We're not quitting. We're not giving up until Friday morning at 10 o'clock New York time," said Mike.

Maddox has a rare condition called lymphatic malformation.

For more information on making a donation, you can e-mail the family here.