An Edmonton family got an unpleasant surprise when they found a snake hiding in their 11-year-old sons’ shoe Saturday morning.

Blake Dahl was getting ready to leave the house when he discovered a small intruder.

“I looked at my shoe and at first I thought it was a toy that my brother put there as a prank, but it was a real snake,” the boy told CTV News.

Realizing it was no joke, Blake called his dad for help.

“We held the shoe […] and [the snake] slithered into it. My dad put him into a […] container,” he explained.

Blake’s mom, Jodi Dahl, was at work when all the “excitement” happened.

“I think I would have been really upset had I seen it loose and moving around. By the time I got home it was contained,” she said.

The family isn’t sure how the snake got into their house, however Jodi speculates it might have been hiding in a box of food they had delivered on Thursday.

“They put the empty box over by where the shoes were and there’s some spaces in the box where we think he was sleeping maybe down in there,” she explained.

According to Michelle Weldon with the Edmonton Reptile and Amphibian Society, the home invader, believed to be a baby king snake, is likely somebody’s escaped pet.

“It’s not a native species to this area at all […] they cannot survive in these temperatures,” Weldon said.

While Blake and his dad may be growing fond of their new house guest, they know it’s temporary.

“Mom wants it out!” Blake smiled.

With files from Amanda Anderson