Snow finally hit the ground in Edmonton overnight on Saturday and the city's sand crews were out at the crack of dawn.

"It was early hours of the morning, about three a.m.," The City's director of roadway maintenance, Bob Dunford, said, "Some of the areas were reporting the snow, so we started sanding then."

With the winter season now here the City will be issuing parking bans, Dunford added.

"Listen for those alerts. We will be communicating when the snow ban is declared."

It was a good morning for those hitting the slopes at Snow Valley.

"It's getting everyone in the mood," General manager Shawn Symington told CTV News.

"Having this little bit of dusting is really helping people get out here today," she added.

Protestors Winterize

Occupy Edmonton protestors said they were prepared for the winter weather.

"We've got big tents," Mike Hudema explained, "We had Indigenous representatives from the Black Foot Nation, from the Cree Nation that have set up a teepee for us to help us go through the winter."

The group intends to continue making their voices heard, despite a little snow on the ground.

"We're going to keep warm in whatever way we have to, so that we can continue to advocate for a society that benefits everybody, not just a select few."

It was a record breaking day for the city as snow has usually arrived by this time.

With files from Ashley Molnar