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EPS detective honoured with 'Top Cop' award


Detective Rocky Hanson has been named “Top Cop” for 2020 by The Kiwanis Club of Edmonton - Oil Capital.

Hanson has spent 13 years with the Edmonton Police Service and over 20 years dedicating his time as a volunteer and mentor in the Edmonton area.

He is being recognized for his various community achievements including his leadership role at Burnewood Community League where he worked to fundraise for the development of two new playgrounds and a multi-purpose rink.

Hanson also coached various sports in the community including 10 years as a football coach at Strathcona Composite Highschool where he graduated, as well as 10 years coaching hockey in Edmonton’s southwest, and five years coaching soccer in Mill Woods.

He is also being honoured for his involvement with Jambo Boxing, a program that helps connect youth with the sport.

“He brings new ideas to the table. He’s a man who is always, always, always looking for new ideas for the youth and the community, and the city of Edmonton,” said Jama Hoday, director of Jambo Boxing.

Hanson said he was humbled and honoured to receive this year’s ‘Top Cop’ award.

“Being a police officer and being a volunteer in the community goes hand in hand, there’s a direct correlation between that,” said Hanson. “Having a community where it’s a vibrant safe community for your kids to grow up and to participate has been a tremendous benefit to not only myself and my family, but to friends and community league members as well.”

A total of 45 EPS officers have been recognized by the Kiwanis Club of Edmonton since 1976.

Each year, the club donates $1,000 to the recipient’s charity of choice. Hanson is putting this year’s donation towards Jambo Boxing. Top Stories

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