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Kneehill County will empty hamlet of Huxley septic tanks every 2 years

A septic tank is seen in an undated file photo. A septic tank is seen in an undated file photo.

Kneehill County council approved a new program that will empty Hamlet of Huxley septic tanks every two years while billing the residents for it.

The decision was made at the Sept. 23 regular meeting of council.

Councillors perused the results of a survey sent to all Huxley residents measuring their support for a bi-annual septic program which was presented by manager of utilities John McKiernan.

It was mentioned several times at the meeting Kneehill County also held two town hall meetings to discuss wastewater issues with Huxley residents.

“Administration developed and distributed a questionnaire to the residents of Huxley to obtain feedback on some of the issues presented in the study, such as septic tank condition, septic pump information, backflow prevention, and the probability of Kneehill County coordinating a program to regularly empty septic tanks,” noted McKiernan’s report to council.

“The questionnaires were hand-delivered to the residents of Huxley. There was an option to return the questionnaire in a prepaid envelope, electronically through a QR code, as well as dropping off the questionnaire at the administration building.”

Staff stated 43 questionnaires were delivered in Huxley while only 15 were returned, 12 by mail and three electronically.

Of the questions asked, McKiernan noted the first was probably the most important: Are you in favour of Kneehill County coordinating with a contractor to have your septic tank emptied?

Of the 15 responses, eight stated “yes,” four stated “no,” two didn’t respond and one was OK either way.

“The information provided through this questionnaire was informative, even though the response rate was a little low,” noted McKiernan’s memo.

“The septic pumps appear to be uniformly sized at 0.5 hp, which is the size recommended in the (engineer’s) study. Some septic tanks may need some maintenance attention, and access to them seems straightforward without many impediments.

“There are minimal concerns about sewer back-ups, and primarily, all residents have a backflow device in place.

“The response regarding Kneehill County coordinating with a contractor to empty septic tanks wasn’t overwhelming, but it did form a majority of the responses received.”

During discussion McKiernan noted the questionnaires weren’t directly handed to a person, they were left on doors.

He also stated the proposed program would be conducted with the help of a contractor and that half of the hamlet would be done per year; hence, every two years the entire community’s septic tanks would be emptied.

It was mentioned several times at the meeting this program would appear on resident’s county utility bills, with all costs being borne by users.

Coun. Debbie Penner was disappointed at the low response. “Very disappointing that only 35 per cent responded to this,” said Penner. “It’s disheartening when this happens and we’re trying to help them out within the community.”

Reeve Ken King asked his peers if another public meeting should be held with Huxley residents to discuss these results.

Staff noted two public meetings and a survey were already held but it was up to council if more consultation was done. Staff also noted no exact costs, only estimates, are known right now for this proposed program.

King wanted to know if other Huxley wastewater issues like flushing and line size will be addressed. McKiernan responded more Huxley projects are slated to be talked about at budget time.

Coun. Wade Christie observed that if this project was undertaken at least the county would be able to see the condition of every septic tank first-hand.

Councillors unanimously passed a resolution to direct administration to coordinate a new service level within the Hamlet of Huxley that empties septic tanks once every two years beginning in the 2025.  

Huxley is about 230 kilometers south of Edmonton. Top Stories

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