The Edmonton Public School Board voted Tuesday to permanently shut down two city schools.

Both Ritchie Junior High School and Woodcroft Elementary School were ordered to close in June due to declining enrolment.

Some parents present at the meeting said the decision was a disappointing finish to a long fight to keep the schools open.

"(It was) very heart wrenching, very disappointing," said Woodcroft parent Lora Yashow. "It was just astonishing."

Mother Sonja Chudyk said fighting for her kids' schools was hard but worthwhile.

"The fight is not over," she said. "Our children are worth it ... our community is worth it."

Three other schools are under review for closure. The board gave Coronation school, Governor school and Horse Hill school until September 2010 to improve their enrolment numbers.

The closures come about two weeks after the board defeated a motion calling for a one-year moratorium on school closures.

Edmonton Public School Board trustee Lorne Parker said recently the decision means there is little room to delay a school's closure after the board recommends they be shut down.

"If they make the decision to close the school then we would engage the legal process of school closure, which would conclude with the school being closed by the end of the school year," he said.