Families of those killed by impaired drivers are demanding tougher penalties.

The call comes after a judge in Grande Prairie sentenced 21-year-old Brenden Holubowich to three years in jail after he pled guilty to charges in a fatal collision that killed four Grande Prairie teens.

The mother of 18-year-old Brad Arsenault who was killed in a similar incident said she was sick about the sentence.

Sheri Arseanult explained that from what she has seen of the Canadian justice system, Holubowich, is unlikely to even serve a year.

“He could actually be out on day parole four to six months from now and full parole nine months from now.”

She said she had lost faith in the system and was afraid what was going to happen in her own son’s case.

“I’m afraid victim impact statements mean nothing. I’m afraid deals are going to be made that do not take into consideration the families.”

Since the death of her son Arsenault has found comfort and a mission in a group called Families for Justice.

“We hold each other up. We support each other through the justice system, through everything.”

The group has even started a petition that was introduced to the House of Commons by BC MP, Mark Warawa, last month.

Over 17,000 people have already signed the petition.

“Families for Justice is pushing for mandatory minimum sentencing of 5 years,” Arsenault explained.

She added they also wanted to change the title of the charge from Impaired Driving Causing Death to Vehicular Manslaughter.

“They choose to drink and they choose to drive and their weapon of choice is a car.”

With files from Amanda Anderson