It might be hard to believe but Edmonton is about to embark on a historic stretch of weather- and this one is a positive one for a change.

For the first time in more than 70 years, our city may record a 10-day stretch of 20-plus temperatures. It's only happened in September four other times.

The last time Edmonton experienced this was in 1938 but it looks like we're well on our way to reach it again this week.

After a slow start to the summer, the long range forecast looks like we are in for some extended heat.

"It feels like September is gradually getting warmer," said Haley Gardiner, who was out enjoying the weather. "I know going back to school; it feels warmer first few weeks of September."

This heat is also expected to bring in dry conditions, which is a big help for farmers.

"It's a blessing to have the nice weather now for the crop to get all the harvesting done," said Alice Van De Kraats.

For Josh Classen's ten day weather forecast, click here.