A CTV viewer finally received some happy news after a nine-month battle to get his money back on a condo development that was years behind schedule.

"It's a great surprise, it's a great conclusion," said Ed Banas.

Banas put close to $40,000 down on his Rocky Mountain retirement dream - but the dream didn't last long. After what he says were excuses and needless delays, the investor wanted his money back.

He put his deposit down in Dec. 2006, and after several delays, he cancelled his contract with the Eagle Ridge Resort Group. He received a post-dated cheque, but it bounced. Then after a few more failed promises to get his money back, Banas asked for help.

The man even took the time to put a lien on the property owned by the company's director, Marie LaFramboise. Now, that he finally has the cash in hand, Banas has agreed to remove the lien on the woman's property.

"Mr. Banas got his money, that's the end of story," LaFramboise told CTV News.

Banas says he still wants to buy his dream retirement home, but this time, he'll be seeking legal advice first.

Eagle Ridge Resort Group says the project will go on if they can come to an agreement with the government on the purchase of the land. Sustainable Resource Development will only say they're looking into the matter.

With files from Erin Isfeld