An off-leash dog park in Terwillegar now has a new addition, a statue resembling an ice sculpture in the shape of a dog reminding owners to keep their pets close.

The statue pays tribute to dogs that have died in off-leash parks in high water or after falling through the ice.

The city will be installing the statues at Hermitage, Jackie Parker and Buena Vista off-leash parks later this month and adding more signs.

“These signs are just reminders, gentle reminders that they’re approaching water and to be aware and keep their dogs within their view,” City Parks Program Coordinator Amanda Brown said.

Edmonton Fire Rescue said crews responded to nine water rescue calls for animals in 2017, but that number may be higher because not everyone calls for help.

“People go out after their dogs and fall through the ice, and it’s very dangerous – very, very dangerous,” District Chief Frank Van Soest said.

Van Soest advises people to call 911 because crews have the proper equipment to make safe rescues.