The Alberta government is urging the federal government to approve the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion with a multimedia campaign called “Yes to TMX.”

Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage unveiled the ad campaign on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Wednesday.

“Until we have a decision on Trans Mountain, you’ll be hearing this campaign every single day,” Savage told reporters. “You’ll be hearing from us every single day that we need yes to TMX.”

According to the minister, the campaign in the Ottawa region is costing $1.65 million. It will consist of digital display ads, as well as posters at restaurants, bars and the Ottawa airport. Additional campaigning efforts will be made throughout the country.

The federal government pushed back a deadline to either approve or reject the pipeline proposal to June 18, saying it needed more time to finish its consultations with Indigenous groups.

Despite the Canadian government owning the project, Savage said Alberta wasn’t taking chances.

“We’re hopeful that the government won’t delay, but if they delay—if there’s any delay—we could lose an entire construction season, and that will have unbelievable, detrimental impact to Alberta.”

If the project is not approved, Savage said Alberta was prepared to begin construction work while any challenges were handled in court.

While in Ottawa, Savage will also be meeting with senators to discuss Bills C-48 and C-69. The Alberta government and industry members have submitted 187 amendments for the latter piece of legislation.