A young Edmonton girl is getting through cancer treatment with messages of encouragement, jokes and pictures given to her by her blood donors.

Nora Bazin, 7, was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma in 2017.

As part of the Beaded Journey campaign between Canadian Blood Services and the Stollery Children’s Hospital, Bazin gets a bead every time she gets a blood transfusion.

The beads also come with a card from the blood donors. They usually include kind words, pictures or jokes.

“It’s meaningful. It’s a small thing to take a little of time out of your day, but it makes such a difference to families like ours … it just makes everything a little bit less stressful,” her mother, Emily, said. “They bring a little bit of light to her day and that makes it better for us too, to see happy and enjoying the jokes and appreciating the cute pictures.”

The seven-year-old is starting the last phase of her treatment.