National Geographic has named Edmonton as one of the world’s best places to spend summer.

The online editors’ list of the 10 best summer trips highlights Edmonton’s upcoming attractions including host to the FIFA Women’s World Cup and the Edmonton Folk Music Festival.

It also promotes Edmonton’s summer weather.

“Edmonton is one of Canada’s sunniest cities, with about 2,300 total hours of sunshine annually.”

Resident Krista Zerbin said she was glad that Edmonton was being recognized.  

“Sometimes we take for granted what is in our own backyard.

“We have a lot of beauty here and it is really cool to see it compared to beautiful places like that, that are so world-renowned.”

One of the best places to visit in the summer, according to Zerbin is the river valley.

“The river valley just comes to life in the summer. All the plants are growing and the trees are so lush. It is just really beautiful to get out.”

Some of the other spots listed by National Geographic are Athens, Grece, England and Singapore.

With files from Veronica Jubinville