EDMONTON -- The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations is demanding the resignation of Jason Kenney’s speech-writer Paul Bunner for comments he made about Indigenous people.

In a 2013 article for an online conservative magazine, Bunner called residential schools a "bogus genocide story," and said survivors were "activists" with "never ending demands."

In a statement, the Treaty Six chiefs said "It is clear that he does not have the ability to see past his own privilege and prejudice to apologize for insulting our Indian residential school survivors and their children."

They goes on to say "Any government with an interest of building trust with Indigenous communities must hold their employees accountable for blatantly discriminating against Indigenous peoples."

When asked about it earlier this week, the premier said he was not aware of Bunner's views when he hired him and said he hasn't read the full article.

Kenney did say he "fundamentally disagrees" with the excerpts he's read, but wouldn't say what action - if any - would be taken.